To pray is to live and think in the presence of God. Henri Nouwen
"True prayer is neither a mere mental exercise nor a vocal performance. It is far deeper than that - it is a spiritual transaction with the Creator of Heaven and Earth." - Charles Spurgeon
"God shapes the world by prayer. The more praying there is in the world the better the world will be, the mightier the forces against evil."
"God speaks in the silence of the heart. Listening is the beginning of prayer." - Mother Teresa
"It is not well for a man to pray cream and live skim milk." - Henry Ward Beecher
by Westerhoff & Eusden
Life alone and in community begins and ends with prayer. p. 93
Prayer is work. It is the disciplined attentiveness, that bold losing of oneself, that openness to divine leading that defines the everyday spiritual life of every human being. P. 96
Prayer is communion with God, a personal response to God’s presence. P. 97
Prayer involves our active imaginations. P. 97
“Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire?”
Corrie Ten Boon
"Don’t pray when you feel like it. Have an appointment with the Lord and keep it.
Prayer is the greatest power in the universe.
Prayer and work go together.
You have a right to pray for yourself.
There is a tremendous power in prayer and faith that will change everything for anybody that lives by them.
Yield yourself to God in prayer.
If you pray without ceasing, you get your whole mind and your life conditioned so that God can do great things for you as a result of your prayers. He wants to help you before you have ever said a word in prayer. But he has to get you conditioned before the great things can be done. Just Pray.
Norman Vincent Peale
Somebody prayed for me, had me on their mind, They took the time and prayed for me.
I'm so glad they prayed I'm so glad they prayed for me.
Source: Musixmatch Songwriters: Dorothy Norwood / Alvin Darling
THINK & GROW RICH by Napoleon Hill
If you pray for a thing, but have fear as you pray, that you may not receive it, or that your prayer will not be acted upon by Infinite Intelligence, your prayer will have been in vain.
Prayer does, sometimes, result in the realization of that for which one prays. If you have ever had the experience of receiving that for which YOU prayed, go back in your memory, and recall your actual STATE OF MIND, while you were praying, and you will know, for sure, that the theory here described is more than a theory.
Prayer will be reduced to a science. When that time comes, no one will approach the Universal Mind in a state of fear, for the very good reason that there will be no such emotion as fear. Ignorance, superstition, and false teaching will have disappeared, and man will have attained his true status as a child of Infinite Intelligence.
What you want is your business. How it comes to you is God’s business. Let God choose or create the channels through which the prayer can be answered.
We talk to God that is prayer; God talks to us that is inspiration.
You know better than to plead with or to beseech God with an unbelieving prayer.
P. 102
It is an immutable law that everyone who asks receives (Mt. 7:8). And substance will come forth as the fulfillment of your desire if you expect it to. According to your faith let it be done to you (Mt. 9:29). P. 105
Do not look for signs and wonders, but just be still and know that the very thing you want is flowing in and will come forth into manifestation either at once or a little further on. P. 105
The Meaning of Prayer
by Harry Emerson Fosdick
Cultivate the power of prayer. p. 20
We must think of prayer as a privilege. We have opportunity to pray at any time. The PRAYER CLOSET NEVER CLOSES. P. 26
One of the failures in prayer is due to impatience. P27
Friendship is not tested in a few moments or in an occasional way. Friendship is a life to be lived, habitually, persistently—and its results are cumulative with the years. SO PRAYER IS A CUMULATIVE LIFE OF FRIENDSHIP WITH GOD. P. 27
When you pray you can do a great deal for yourself. In prayer we soothe our own spirits, calm our own anxieties, purify our own thoughts. P. 30
When a man sits in fellowship with his friend, he gains inspiration, vision, peace and joy which friendship brings through mutual communion. P. 34
The law of friendship is communion.
The innermost nature of prayer is the search of the soul of God. P. 35
No friendship can sustain the neglect of constant spiritual fellowship refreshed by special reunions. At times soul talks with the soul in conscious fellowship. P. 37
Prayer is a vital transaction. P. 39
Prayer must cease being a form and become a force and a privilege.
P. 39
Prayer opens our lives to the guidance of God because by its very nature it encourages the receptive mood. Some things never come into life until we are receptive. P. 58
True prayer is habitually putting ourselves into the attitude of willingness to do whatever God wills.
In prayer we must give God carte blanche to do as He wills in our lives. There must be no provisos and reservations to limit the guidance of God.
True prayer is deliberately putting ourselves at God’s disposal.
Pray with confidence. P. 63
God knows your need in advance and is more willing to give than you are to take.
Open the way for God to do what he wants.
True prayer opens the door to God’s will. It is cooperating with God.
The best of prayer is listening to God. P. 66
The receptive praying heart is the absolute prerequisite of all great gifts.
Pray on what God wants to give us.
Prayer is not to ask what we wish of God, but what God wishes of us. P. 68
We must be God-possessed.
We must be channels of unseen resources.
We must be vehicles to transmit divine power. P. 69
Prayer cannot change God’s intention, but it does change God’s action.
A righteous person can release unlimited divine power to accomplish the will of God.
There are things in life we must give up if we are to have effective prayers.
Real communion involves the vivid consciousness that someone is present, with whom we are enjoying fellowship. P. 79
When you cannot pray as you would, pray as you can.
Every man must be allowed to pray in their own way. P. 84
People often called their prayers unanswered because in their impatience they do not give God time. P. 119
Many of our greatest desires demand time, patience, persistent search, long waiting as conditions of their fulfillment.
Be ready to have your request denied if it runs counter to God’s rule, which is dictated by infinite wisdom. P. 121
There are 3 chief ways in which we cooperate with God: thinking, working, and praying. P. 126
God requires us to endure the discipline of painful enterprise and struggle rather than find easy relief by asking.
You cannot obtain by prayer what comes only as the reward for work. P. 127
Some things God cannot give until one has prepared and proved their spirit by persistent prayer. 129
God will often answer prayer not in our way but beyond our way. P. 131
Great character is essential to great praying. P. 138
Prayer projects faith on God, and God on the world. Only God can move mountains, but faith and prayer move God
Prayer is absolutely dependent upon faith. Faith makes prayer effectual, and in a certain important sense, must precede it.
Faith makes prayer strong and gives it patience to wait on God. Faith believes that God is a rewarder.
Faith rests its case on diligence in prayer and gives assurance and encouragement to diligent seekers after God, for it is they, alone, who are richly rewarded when they pray.
faith is the final, the one indispensable condition of true praying.
Desire precedes prayer, accompanies it, is followed by it. Desire goes before prayer, and by it, created and intensified. Prayer is the oral expression of desire.
Prayer comes out into the open. Desire is silent. Prayer is heard; desire, unheard. The deeper the desire, the stronger the prayer. Without desire, prayer is a meaningless mumble of words.
True prayer must be aflame. Christian life and character need to be all on fire. Lack of spiritual heat creates more infidelity than lack of faith.
This flame is not mental vehemence nor fleshly energy It is a divine fire in the soul, intense, dross consuming-the very essence of the Spirit of God.
Prayer ascends by fire. Flame gives prayer access as well as wings, acceptance as well as energy There is no incense without fire; no prayer without flame.
Ardent desire is the basis of unceasing prayer. It is not a shallow, fickle inclination, but a strong yearning, an unquenchable ardor, which impregnates, glows, burns, and fixes the heart. it is the flame of a present and active principle mounting up to God. It is ardor propelled by desire, that burns its way to the throne of mercy, and gains its plea. It is the pertinacity of desire that gives triumph to the conflict, in a great struggle of prayer.
Heaven must be made to feel the force of this crying unto God.
Prayers must be red hot. It is the fervent prayer that is effectual and that prevaileth.
By flame prayer ascends to heaven. Yet fire is not fuss, nor heat, nor noise.
God dwells in a flame; the Holy Spirit descends in fire. To be absorbed in God's will is to be so greatly in earnest about doing it that our whole being takes fire, as the qualifying condition of the man who would engage in effectual prayer.
Fervency in prayer is the precursor of what God will do by way of answer. God stands pledged to give us the desire of our hearts in proportion to the fervency of spirit we exhibit, when seeking his face in prayer.
Fervency has its seat in the heart, not in the brain, nor in the intellectual faculties of the mind.
Importunate prayer is a mighty movement of the soul toward God. It is a stirring of the deepest forces of the soul, toward the throne of heavenly grace. It is the ability to hold on, press on, and wait. Restless desire, restful patience, and strength of grasp are all embraced in it. It is not an incident or a performance, but a passion of the soul. It is not a want, half-needed, but a sheer necessity.
The wrestling quality in importunate prayer is an inwrought force, a faculty implanted and aroused by the Holy Spirit. Virtually, it is the intercession of the Spirit of God, in us.
Prayer is the expression of a relation to God, a yearning for divine communion. it is the outward and upward flow of the inward life toward its original fountain. It is an assertion of the soul's paternity, a claiming of the sonship, which links man to the eternal.
prayer is the only way in which the soul of man can enter into fellowship and communion with the source of all Christlike spirit and energy.
God finds faith in his praying child-the faith which stays and cries-and he honors it by permitting its further exercise, to the end that it is strengthened and enriched. Then he rewards it by granting the burden of its plea, in plenitude and finality.
He teaches, moreover, that an answer to prayer is conditional upon the amount of faith that goes to the petition. To test this, he delays the answer. The superficial prayer subsides into silence when the answer is delayed. But the man of prayer hangs on, and on. The Lord recognizes and honors his faith and gives him a rich and abundant answer to his faith-evidencing, importunate prayer.
prevailing prayer must have in it the quality which waits and perseveres, the courage that never surrenders, the patience which never grows tired, the resolution that never wavers.
Importunity is made up of intensity, perseverance, patience, and persistence.
PRAYER governs conduct, and conduct makes character. Conduct is what we do; character is what we are. Conduct is the outward life. Character is the life unseen, hidden within, yet evidenced by that which is seen. Conduct is external, seen from without; character is internal operating within. In the economy of grace conduct is the offspring of character. Character is the state of the heart, conduct its outward expression. Character is the root of the tree, conduct, the fruit it bears.
. Prayer and sinning cannot keep company with each other. One or the other must of necessity stop. Get men to pray, and they will quit sinning, because prayer creates a distaste for sinning, and so works upon the heart, that evildoing becomes repugnant, and the entire nature is lifted to a reverent contemplation of high and holy things.
Obedience, moreover, is faith in action and is the outflow as it is the very test of love.
Obedience opens the gates of the holy city and gives access to the tree of life.
What is obedience? It is doing God's will: it is keeping his commandments.
Obedience to God is the same quality as obedience to earthly parents. It implies, in general effect, the giving up of one's own way, and following that of another; the surrendering of the will to the will of another; the submission of oneself to the authority and requirements of a parent.
Love delights to obey, and please whom it loves. There are no hardships in love. There may be exactions but no irk. There are no impossible tasks for love.
Far be it from our heavenly Father, to demand impossibilities of his children. It is possible to please him in all things, for he is not hard to please.
Obedience follows love, and prayer follows obedience.
Cheerful obedience to God, qualifies us to pray effectually.
Behind the praying must be the doing, and it is the constant doing of God's will in daily life which gives prayer its potency, as our Lord plainly taught:
If prayer does not inspire, sanctify and direct our work, then self-will enters, to ruin both work and worker.
Faith, in its highest form, is the attitude, as well as the act of a soul, surrendered to God, in whom his Word and his Spirit dwells.
Faith is the fruit of prayer.
Prayer and faith, work, act and react, one upon the other.
The difficulty in prayer is not with faith, but with obedience, which is faith's foundation.
The life, power, and glory of the church is prayer. The life of its members is dependent on prayer and the presence of God is secured and retained by prayer. The very place is made sacred by its ministry. Without it, the church is lifeless and powerless.