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Only when you drink from the river of silence

shall you indeed sing.

And when you have reached the mountaintop,

then you will climb.

And when the earth shall claim your limbs,

then you shall dance.  K.Gibran

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Pinecone Symbolism

by Carl Weiseth

Conifer Pine Trees are one of the most ancient plant genera on the planet, having existed nearly three times longer than all flowering plant species. The Pinecone is the evolutionary precursor to the flower, and its spines spiral in a perfect Fibonacci sequence in either direction, much like the Sacred Geometry of a rose or a sunflower.

Throughout the span of recorded human history, Pinecones have served as a symbolic representation of Human Enlightenment, the Third Eye and the Pineal Gland.

Our “Pine”al Gland, shaped like (and named after) the Pinecone, is at the geometric center of our brain and is intimately linked to our body’s perception of light. The Pineal modulates our wake-sleep patterns and circadian rhythms, remains uniquely isolated from the blood-brain barrier system, and receives a higher percentage of blood flow than any other area of the body save the kidneys.

It is considered by many to be our biological Third Eye, the “Seat of the Soul,” the “Epicenter of Enlightenment” — and its sacred symbol throughout history, in cultures around the world, has been the Pinecone.

The Egyptian Staff of Osiris, dating back to approximately 1224 BC, depicts two intertwining serpents rising up to meet at a pinecone. Modern scholars and philosophers have noted the staff’s symbolic parallels to the Indian “Kundalini,” a spiritual energy in the body depicted as coiled serpents rising up from the base of the spine to the Third Eye (Pineal Gland) in the moment of enlightenment. Awakened Kundalini represents the merging and alignment of the Chakras and is said to be the one and only way to attain “Divine Wisdom” bringing pure joy, pure knowledge and pure love.

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PINEAL GLAND by Edward Bruce Bynum, Ph.D.


  • The pineal gland sits in the Cave of Brahma. P. 104

  • Descarte made it the interface between the worlds of matter and the realm of God and the soul.

  • The symbol of the awakened serpent power or light spirit is the Ureaus. P. 106

  • The very top or crown of the head is known as the sahasrara—the highest indwelling place of the spirit.

  • It is the tenth opening of the body.

  • The pineal gland is light sensitive. P. 107

  •  It is a kind of vestigial eye.

  • It is about the size of a pea. It is cone shaped and gray to red in color. It points upward and out of the body.

  • It is known to convert central nervous system signals into endocrine system activity and secrete subtle and powerful hormones, of which are known to have visionary or hallucinogenic capacities.

  • The pineal gland is also related to sunlight. P. 108

  • The duration of melatonin secretion is in direct proportion to the length of nighttime darkness.

  • Melatonin regulates the sleep cycle

  • The pituitary gland is the master gland. It secretes a host of endocrine hormones that affect the organ systems, sexuality, growth hormones, endorphins, etc.

  • The pituitary gland is the size of a pea. It points downward into the body.

  • The pineal and pituitary glands begin to vibrate together, creating a kind of field of resonance, which is experienced as a pulsating light in the head.

  • The eye of Horus. P. 110

  • In Tibet, the all-seeing eye.

  • In Kemet the eye was associated with the light of the soul.

  • The eye is sensitive to the electromagnetic spectrum above and below what we actually see. The trained eye can see into this realm. P. 111

  • The eye is our most direct access into the vibrating fifth dimension of light itself.

  • It has neural connections with the retina that account for much of its photosensitivity.

  • Many consider it the second sexual gland. P 112

  • It’s a kind of biological clock that regulates the system.

  • energy and intelligence.

  • The pineal gland responds through vibrations stimulated by synchronized breathing, rhythmic incantations, various meditative disciplines, and the heart aorta vibration that is resonant at 7.8 Hz.

  • The whole world is vibration and sound, and the ear is one of our sensory connection with the external world. P. 117

  • Our whole system literally sings and vibrates on the subtle strings modulated by melanin.



By Swami Paramananda 

When we establish rhythm with the universe, we maintain balance.


Walk in the rhythm of life.

Your limbs will not tire.

Sing with the rhythm of life.

Your voice will gain sweetness.

Dance in the rhythm of life.

Your feet will not touch the ground

Breathe in rhythm.

Think in rhythm.

Talk in rhythm.

Sing in rhythm.

Dance in rhythm.

Eat in rhythm

Drink in rhythm

Sleep in rhythm

Work in rhythm

Play in rhythm

Rest in rhythm

Let rhythmic be your life.

People who are in rhythm are full of mellowness; their voice is sweet.

When you establish your life in rhythm, you do the right thing spontaneously.

We can make ourselves rhythmic by going deeper and finding a point of contact with the Source of life.


Rhythm is essential in every department of our life.

 A wise man should control speech by mind, mind by intellect, intellect by the great Self, and that by the Peaceful One (the Supreme Self).

When a man is out of rhythm, whatever he undertakes cannot be in harmony with the universe.

If we do everything with harmonious, sympathetic spirit, then we shall never fail to be in rhythm. It is a blessed privilege to be connected with the Lord's great human family and to serve it faithfully.

We all possess the power of higher service. When we serve in true spirit, the seed of spiritual fruition is sown, and we are bound to reap a rich harvest.

The truest service is inward and consists in keeping ourselves in harmony with God's plan for our life.
Swami Paramananda

Our soul always communicates to us through the universal languages of symbols, senses, and songs. These symbols, sensations, and sounds teach us about the very core of our lives and teach us about our ultimate place in the world.

Mateo Sol

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     Those who are truly awakened, those who have a real conception of spirituality never try to force their ideas or views upon anyone; far from it, their sense of humility is so overpowering that they never raise their voice or try to interfere with others. If we have something in our life that is vital and real, we have little time to go about disturbing anyone. It is only when we have not reached the depths that we make much noise and we disturb our peace and the peace of others.

Swami Paramananda

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